One of the most emotional and financially significant decisions you'll face during a divorce is what to do with the marital home. Should you keep it, sell it, or explore other options? This decision is often clouded with questions like:

  • Can I afford to keep the home on my own?
  • How can I refinance the mortgage into my name during divorce?
  • Am I able to use spousal or child support as income for mortgage qualifying?
  • What are the financial and tax implications of selling?
  • How will the division of equity be handled fairly?
  • Will keeping the home impact my long-term financial security?

These are complex challenges, and making the right decision requires more than emotional considerations. This is where working with a Certified Divorce Lending Professional (CDLP®) becomes invaluable. A CDLP® is not just a mortgage expert—they specialize in divorce-related real estate and mortgage planning, helping you navigate your decision's legal, financial, and emotional aspects with clarity and confidence. By aligning the real estate and mortgage options with your overall divorce settlement, a CDLP® ensures you make informed, strategic decisions that protect your future.

Let a CDLP® guide you through the process, offering insights tailored to your unique situation so you can focus on the next chapter of your life with peace of mind.