- Louise Zito
- Dolan Divorce Lawyers, PLLC
- Mediation Services
129 Whitney Ave., #3A
New Haven, CT 06510 - 203-720-6874
Louise Zito has mediated family and related matters for 30 years and draws heavily on her Mediation experience in her Collaborative work. She trains Attorneys, Family Specialists and Financial Specialists in Basic and Advanced Family Mediation and is a Senior Fellow to the Quinnipiac School of Law Center on Dispute Resolution.. She is an APFM Certified Advanced Practitioner.
She co-founded the Divorce Solutions of CT and the Ct Family Mediation Training Group. She is a member of the Collaborative Divorce Team of CT, Connecticut Summit of Collaborative Professionals, Connecticut Collaborative Connection and IACP. Louise is also on the Steering Committee for The Taskforce on Reimagining Family Dispute Resolution, a joint project of CCND and The Center on Dispute Resolution.
Louise received the Howard Krieger Beacon Lifetime Achievement Award in 2021.
She is a current Board member and Past President of CCND.
Connect with me on social: https://www.linkedin.com/in/louise-zito-baa018b/?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_feed%3BnMXAQxZWRomfxDT0C55u3Q%3D%3D
Connect with me on social: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090100329005